Developed in France in the 18th century, Boxe
Francaise Savate, or French Boxing, was very popular
with the high society. Women began
participating as early as 1900. Using hits and kicks
executed according to precise technical rules, Savate
is known for its complex combinations of fist and
footwork. Learn technique, offensive and defensive
strategies, and (optional) sparring with a partner.
Kickboxing combined with Muay Thai Kickboxing
techniques make up this high powered class. Muay Thai
uses combinations of fists, elbows, knees, holds and
sweeps in addition to fists and feet. Optional
sparring as well as training for competition for any
aspiring competitors!
Golden Gloves, Silver Gloves, Junior Olympics -
BFS is a registered US Amateur Boxing Club.
"Hands only" boxing training is
incorporated into all of our Savate and
Kickboxing/Muay Thai classes. Amateur competitors can
start at age 8, and end up at the Olympics. BFS also
trains Professional Boxers.
Boxe Francaise Savate is the ideal educative
childrens sport, teaching respect, discipline,
self-control, moral and physical values in a safe
Learn to get out of difficult situations with
holds, blocks, sweeps, dodges, and counterattacks.
Self-defense techniques are incorporated into the
Savate and Kickboxing/Muay Thai classes.
- Private boxing and kickboxing lessons
- Gym with special aerobic flooring, 12
heavy bags, double ended bag, speed bags,
grappling mats, and permanent boxing ring.
Summer Camp